WATCHING her interactions with sick paedophile Jimmy Savile on Celebrity Big Brother, Chantelle Houghton shudders.
A clip of the shamed paedophile’s Celebrity Big Brother stint in 2006 has resurfaced recently after the moment was re-enacted by Steve Coogan in BBC drama The Reckoning.

His entrance was a moment Chantelle, 40, who won that series of CBB, has never forgotten.
In an exclusive interview with The Sun, she reveals exactly what happened when she met Savile, and why she hopes the monster “rots in hell with worms eating his eyes”.
Savile - who raped hundreds of people, including children, throughout his life - entered the CBB house in 2006, as part of a task, where he helped “fix it” for the housemates, and bagged £150,000 for the two-day gig.

His horrific crimes were only uncovered after he died in 2011.
Speaking about his arrival, Chantelle recalls: “Obviously back then, no one knew anything, so it was a bit of a 'wow' moment, him coming in.
“It was Sir Jimmy Savile, wasn't it? The excitement in the house, when he walked through, was just electric. He was this iconic guy, it was just exciting.
“At the time, it felt like an absolute honour to meet him.
“Obviously he dressed a bit strange, but you overlooked all of that because it was Sir Jimmy Savile.
“He was funny, he was charming, he was full of stories. Everybody was sitting there hanging off of his every word, and you could see how, especially Michael Barrymore, Preston and Pete Burns, they were mesmerised by him.
“He came into the house for a day, didn't sleep there, he left at the end of the day, and then he returned the next morning. And we couldn't wait for him to come back!”
'It makes my blood run cold'

When he first arrived in the Borehamwood bungalow, Savile made a series of odd comments while greeting the contestants.
He notably told former Coronation Street actress Rula Lenska: "I would want to marry all of you ladies for at least 24 hours."
He then turned to Chantelle, took hold of her hand and plastered a kiss on it.

During the creepy interaction, he said: "I know that many fellas love you, but they don’t love you with the sincerity and tenderness I do."
As Chantelle awkwardly giggled the disgraced radio and TV host added: "I always tell the truth, even if I’m lying."
Having recently watched the moment back, Chantelle says she feels horror and disgust.
“Now, obviously, we know what and who he really was, it literally makes my blood run cold," she tells us.
“But it also makes my blood boil, because I wish I'd known what he was then and I really wish that he'd known that we'd all know who he was, before he died.”
She continues: “I just think what he said to me was really creepy.
“He obviously knew what he was really saying, when he said, 'I'm always telling the truth, even when I'm lying.'
“It's just really creepy and I feel pretty disgusted that I've even been in his presence, that he's kissed my hand and said them vile things to me.
“It makes me really angry for the victims.”
'I hope he rots in hell'

Chantelle confesses what also makes her angry is the fact no one found him creepy at the time.
“It was only watching it back,” she says. “As I said, when I first met him, I didn't find him creepy.
“I've got to admit, if you saw him walking down the street and he weren't Jimmy Savile, you probably would think he looks like a bit of a weirdo, in what he wore.
“But because he was Sir Jimmy Savile, he was untouchable. He could get away with a lot of things, and he did get away with a lot of stuff.
“It literally makes me so angry, and it makes me feel sick to my stomach, and really feel for the victims that were maybe watching at home and knowing exactly what he was really like.
“And the audacity that he had the cheek to go on TV, thinking that he was untouchable, and he seemingly was untouchable until he was dead and we all found out the truth.”
She finishes: “I think he's a f*****g paedo pervert and I hope he rots in hell with those poor worms eating his eyes."