I have tried to break my porn addiction, but even going for a five-mile run doesn’t curb my cravings.
Knowing I can’t get through a single day without watching other people having sex makes me hate myself.
I’m 28 and I’ve been watching porn for about ten years. At first it was fun, but then I found myself needing to watch it more and more.
If I don’t watch, I can’t stop thinking about it until I do. It’s like an itch that needs to be scratched.
I can’t have a relationship because a real woman doesn’t turn me on any more.

I’ve tried everything – cold showers, exercising, turning off my wifi. But my self-control never lasts more than hours.
Yesterday, I was so angry with myself that I smashed my phone so I couldn’t watch.
I feel so ashamed of myself and I could never tell anyone.
Please help me stop.
DEIDRE SAYS: Porn is just as addictive as many drugs, which is why it’s so hard to stop watching it.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to conquering it, so well done.
First, read my pack, Internet Pornography Worry?, for sources of help.
For professional support, contact the Laurel Centre (thelaurelcentre.co.uk, tel: 01926 339594) which offers porn addiction therapy.
Also try Pivotal Recovery, an affordable programme which can help you quit (pivotalrecovery.org).