Finding the perfect skincare routine takes dedication with very few overnight miracles actually working to clear your skin. Blemishes and blackheads can get in the way of achieving a flawless, airbrushed look - so pore cleaning is key.
TikTok has provided a bizarre new hack for getting rid of pesky blackheads, mimicking expensive pore strips with tissue paper and egg whites.
User @creative_explained, also known as Armen Adamjan, whisks up egg whites in his viral video before applying to his nose, layering tissue strips and peeling it off again once dry. The video has gained over 4.1 million views with commenters saying they would try the hack out.
Skincare expert and founder of Bedew Skin, Rachael Robertson has warned against the trend as it's likely to be ineffective and could be dangerous.
Rachael said: "Egg white does contain the enzyme lysozyme which could break down bacteria on the skin, however the whites of the egg are made mostly of water, so the benefits are very limited in comparison to a product designed for purpose. Due to the protein content, it could make your skin feel a bit tighter, but this would only be temporary.
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She added: "The technique itself might work for surface level dirt and oil in sebaceous filaments which people often confuse for blackheads, but for actual blackheads it just isn’t going to cut it, they need proper extraction. I'm confident the video isn't real and is not showing the actual result of what he pulled from his nose."
Blackheads and sebaceous filaments get mixed up as they can appear similar but are actually very different. Rachael explained that sebaceous filaments are a "natural part of the skin's structure" but those of us who are oilier can be susceptible to more visible pores as they fill with dead skin cells, oils and dirt.
The Bedew Skin founder warned: "Squeezing them can damage the skin and cause the pore to become infected, starting up a pustule and could also lead to scarring."
A good cleansing routine is the best way to keep on top of these pesky black spots, Rachael recommends using an oil cleanser and second cleanse before a hydrator and moisturiser for balancing oil. Regular exfoliation and SPF protection should also be added to your basic routine for fresh looking skin.
"A black head is different, it's a clogged pore and will appear darker," Rachael explained. "You may be able to feel it slightly raised from the skin too.
"It needs careful extraction and then continued use of a good routine for management. In addition to the above routine, you can add BHA/AHA treatments to help with blackhead/filament control and could introduce regular professional facials."
The hack is designed to replace pore strips which can be purchased from most skincare stockists, but dermatologists are divided on how effective these are.
Rachael said: "Pore strips that are made for purpose can pull dirt and oil from the skin (how much will depend on the strength of the adhesive) but is very unlikely to work on deep set blackheads.
"They could help if you are struggling with sebaceous filament visibility or surface level dirt and want to keep on top of an area such as the nose or chin, but there are far better ways to do this with a good skincare routine that helps to manage and prevent the issue from occurring and is therefore much better for your skin in the long run."
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