Traveller shares 'life hack' to find best bathrooms on road trips

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A man has shared where the best bathrooms can be found if you
A man has shared where the best bathrooms can be found if you're on a road trip (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A man who travels a lot for work has shared how to find the best bathrooms while on the road. The TikTok creator, from Texas, explained to his 157,000 followers that petrol stations were a no-no and that there was a better solution for their needs.

The health, safety, and environmental advisor at a Houston-based land-drilling firm said that hotels are the best option, as they are almost always sparklingly clean and well-kept, while petrol stations leave you at the mercy of when their hard-pressed staff are able to clean up while also running the business.

However, in a follow-up post, Zach Underwood had some words of caution for his followers, admitting that the hack had once almost resulted in trouble with his girlfriend, who he had not previously explained to that he had this go-to hack for finding clean bathrooms along his driving routes. Replying to a comment that one user wrote and which said: "If your wife's friends see you coming out a hotel you got a lot of explaining to do."

But Zach said his girlfriend actually did notice him coming out of a Hampton Inn as the couple share their locations on their phone with each other, saying: "My girlfriend FaceTimes me, and she says, 'I checked your location earlier to see if you were still driving... it says you were at a Hampton Inn'. I said "Yah, I was. She was like 'Why were you at a Hampton Inn?' I go, 'I had to take a s**t. I guess that I'd never told her that I do that."

However, in comments posted underneath the original video, Zach was pulled up for revealing the secret to a decent bathroom trip, with one saying: "Man don't tell people. It's our secret," while another told him: "No don't tell anyone! Then they'll stop letting people doing it without asking for a room key."

You’ve been shaving your legs wrong - my way's faster & gets them smoother eidqirrieqprwYou’ve been shaving your legs wrong - my way's faster & gets them smoother

But others decided to share their own tips, with one saying: "Car dealerships… free coffee and maybe snacks too," said one, while another said: "My hubby says Home Depot or Lowe’s," and another said: "Or hospital. I do those because they are clean."

Paul Donald

Road trips, Relationships, Fitness And Health, Texas, TikTok

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