Brilliant £1.50 mattress cleaning hack melts away stains - including fake tan

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The hack is a
The hack is a 'game-changer' for removing mattress stains (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Cleaning a mattress can be a pain - but there's one hack that can help you.

Mattresses can become stained for a variety of reasons. If you're someone with heavy periods you may have accidentally bled through your sheets in the night and ended up marking your mattress, or if you use fake tan, you might know the feeling of leaving streaks on your bed. Once a mattress has been stained it can feel like game over, as you can't exactly put the whole thing in the wash - but one mum has shared a "game-changing" mattress cleaning hack that costs just £1.50.

Vicki Collis shared a video to her Instagram account, @our_little_doer_upper, in which she explained that she had stained her mattress while trying to clean up a spill that her daughter had made. She thought there was "no way" the stain would ever come out, but then she tried a hack she saw online - and it changed everything.

She captioned her video: "The hack you didn't know you needed! Ada spilt her milk in our bed, and whilst trying to dry it we made a huge stain. I thought there was no way this would come out, but came across this mattress-cleaning hack so gave it a go. Wow, is all I can say! Game changer! Works on all stains and is super easy to do!"

All you need to make the hack work is three ingredients - bicarbonate of soda, white vinegar, and liquid soap. You can pick up white vinegar for 35p from Tesco, while bicarb is 65p from the same supermarket, and washing up liquid is 69p, although can be bought for as little as 55p from Asda. This means that in total, you can buy all the items needed for this hack for around £1.50.

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In Vicki's video, she explained you need to mix your three ingredients together until they form a paste, and then simply grab a cloth and rub the mixture into the stain. She then showed the trick in action, and viewers were astounded as the stain melted away in no time. She then added: "Let it dry and vacuum off the bicarb mixture, and ta da!"

Commenters were quick to praise the mum for her hack. One person said: "Nice! That's a great tip to get stains off mattresses," while another wrote: "Great hack," and a third posted: "I'll be trying this for a New Year refresh!"

Zahna Eklund

Cleaning, Life hacks, Fake tan

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