TENSIONS flared inside a private parking lot after a foreign vehicle took a paid-for space.
In a TikTok, a driver claimed they found a silver Hyundai Elantra unwittingly sitting in their personal parking space.

"[I] came home from work and someone parked in my spot," the TikToker, Danny (@danny_ola), claimed in a post from 2022.
Danny filmed the back and side of the car, which appears to be straddling two parking spots.
In TikTok's comments section, he updated followers, saying he had taken the matter into his own hands.

"I went to the leasing office and they said they couldn’t tow it until 48 hours," he claimed.
"The car was still like that this morning."
So, Danny left a note on the car to complain about the alleged error.
He contemplated the letter's substance, asking "how do I tell [the driver] I’m not the one to mess with?"
Several commenters suggested the TikToker exact petty revenge on the Hyundai driver.
"Park right on their door so they can’t get in," one commenter offered.
Another driver said they would grab an "ice pick" and deflate the tires.
Slashing tires is a misdemeanor in most states, according to car ownership expert site Way.
The U.S. Sun reached out to the TikToker for comment in this story.
Neighborhood parking issues have sent droves of angry drivers to air their grievances on social media.

A TikToker filmed himself walking down a tree-lined neighborhood with dozens of free street-side parking spaces.
But some residents left out cones and garden buckets to reserve their spots.
"If you do this, I am parking here," the TikToker griped.
Another driver said they returned to their home to find a car blocking their entire driveway.
"For some reason, every day when I come home, someone is parked in front of my driveway," the driver claimed.
She said the issue has been going on for seven years.