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Pokémon tells fans to go outside & help the environment with increased shinies

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Pokémon Go fans love a chance to catch more shiny
Pokémon Go fans love a chance to catch more shiny 'mons

POKÉMON Go players have been sharing their pictures on social media as the app prepares for a huge redesign.

However, it’s not just new avatar designs that have people excited, but also Sustainability Week.

Increased shiny rates will be available next week in Pokémon Go qhidddiqurirkprw
Increased shiny rates will be available next week in Pokémon GoCredit: Niantic

As Pokémon Go is focused on getting people out of the house, saving the environment goes hand in hand with this ethos.

From Monday, April 22, 2024, until Friday, April 26, 2024, you will be given more rewards for every walk you take outside.

The majority of the bonuses come from walking with your buddy which is a great way to earn candy to level up or purify them.

Chespin is the target of 2023’s first community day in Pokémon GoChespin is the target of 2023’s first community day in Pokémon Go

During Sustainability Week, there is an increased chance of receiving souvenirs and presents, increased time with your buddy after you feed them, and the distance needed to earn hearts with your buddy will be halved.

Eggs that hatch within 2km will also have an increased chance of being shiny, which Pokémon Go collectors love.

Combee, Drilbur, Trubbish, Foongus and Binnacle will appear in 2km eggs and all of them have an increased shiny chance.

There are also new Field Research Tasks and completing them will allow you to encounter the above Pokémmon also with an increased shiny chance.

There are other events that Pokémon Go has not fully revealed such as Collection Challenges and Pokéstop Showcases, but we know that they will be there as well.

If you want to read more about Pokémon, check out our interview with Wolfe Glick.

Georgina Young

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