Celine Dion has opened up about her health in a new interview and shared her response to the suggestion that she will tour again sometime in the future.
The singer, now 56, announced that she'd been diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome (SPS) in 2022. It's described as a rare neurological disorder, with symptoms of the condition said to include both muscle stiffness and spasms. Various updates have been shared with fans in the almost two years since then and the Grammy Award winner is set to be the subject of a documentary, I Am: Céline Dion. Ahead of its release in the coming months, she has shared an update about her health and her plans for the future.
Asked how she's doing in an interview with Vogue France, which was released on Monday, Celine said: "I'm well, but it's a lot of work. I'm taking it one day at a time. I haven't beat the disease, as it's still within me and always will be." She expressed hope for a "miracle," suggesting that it could be in the form of a cure. Celine however stated that for now, she has to "learn to live" with SPS. The former Eurovision Song Contest winner went on to discuss treatment.
Celine shared that she undergoes athletic, physical and vocal therapy five days a week. She said in the interview with the outlet in her native France that such therapy includes working on her toes, knees, calves and fingers. It was stated that Celine had previously questioned why she had been affected by the condition. She however said that life doesn't provide "any answers" and suggested that she now has to learn to live with SPS moving forward.

Discussing her "two choices," she said that the first involves training "like an athlete" and working "super hard". The alternative would see her "switch off" and stay at home. Celine suggested that she'd decided on the former approach and has chosen to work with all of her "body and soul". Supported by a medical team, she wants to "be the best" that she can be.

Celine, who shared that her goal is to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris again, credited the support of her family, fans and team with helping her get through the experience. She said that some people diagnosed with SPS may not be "lucky enough or have the means" to have "good doctors" and "good treatments" as she does - stating that she considers it a "gift". She added that she knows "nothing" is going to "stop" her.
When the prospect of her returning to the stage for another tour was brought up in the interview, Celine responded by saying that she "can't answer that" possibility. She suggested that over the last four years, she's been going back and forward between the idea of feeling able to tour once again. She continued by saying that "as things stand" she isn't able to promise that she would be back on stage in four months. Celine suggested that her body will "tell" her when, but added that she doesn't "just want to wait".
The acclaimed performer said that it's "morally hard" living from day to date. Celine said that she's already working "very hard" and said that tomorrow will be "even harder". She however assured that she has the "will" and the "passion" to continue.
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