I'm terrified wife will discover my secret codeine stash

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READ Dear Deidre Editor Sally Land
READ Dear Deidre Editor Sally Land's personal replies to today's problems.

I’m addicted to painkillers and it’s ruining my marriage.

No matter what I do I can’t get a handle on it, and my wife is at the end of her tether. 

I’m 54, my wife is 52 and we’ve been married for 22 years.

A few years ago I suffered a bad shoulder injury and started taking codeine to help with the pain. 

I realised I had a problem when I fully recovered and couldn’t stop taking them. 

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While the GP stopped prescribing it to me, I started getting the pills in any way I could.

At first, I went to different pharmacies and shops so no one would suspect, until eventually I found a dealer.

I tried my best to hide it, but it wasn’t long before my wife clocked on.

I promised her I would stop but I couldn’t wean myself off them.

We've argued about it countless times over the last few years but she now believes I'm finally clean.

Truth is I have a secret stash and I’m still taking them every day. 

I've spent thousands and I can't stop. 

I know I have a problem and need help, but every time I try to tell my wife I freeze up and back out.

DEIDRE SAYS: Codeine is a type of opioid, which can be very addictive and hard to detox from alone.

As hard as it may be to confess to your wife, until you admit that you have a problem it’s unlikely you will overcome this.

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Find support through ADFAM (adfam.org.uk), which helps addicts and their families. 

My support pack, Drug Worries, also provides useful information.

Sally Land

Weddings, The Sun Newspaper, Dear Deidre on Marriage, Dear Deidre on Health and Wellbeing, Dear Deidre on Addiction, Celebrity relationships and break ups, Celebrity marriages

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