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All news on the topic: Dear Deidre on Health and Wellbeing

My husband's sudden death during routine operation has completely devastated me
DEAR DEIDRE: MY husband went into hospital for a routine operation on his knee and never woke up again.His sudden death has completely devastated me.
I'm being punished for my wild days
DEAR DEIDRE: Years ago I slept around, and now it feels like I’m being punished for it.My boyfriend keeps meeting guys I had sex with in the past, a
I'm constantly being stalked by a woman I went on one date with
DEAR DEIDRE: Every day I live in constant fear because of my stalker.No matter where I go or what I do, I know I’m being watched and it’s slowly r
Why am I devastated after my abusive partner died?
DEAR DEIDRE: BEFORE he died, my partner made my life a living hell. He was abusive for years, and I thought I’d be happy once he was gone. But inst
My partner will go off the rails without me
DEAR DEIDRE: If I end my 20-year relationship, I’m worried my partner will go off the rails. He won’t cope without me.I’m a 37 year-old woman, w
Having a threesome was my biggest fantasy - but it's ruined my relationship
DEAR DEIDRE: HAVING a threesome was always my biggest fantasy, but now I fear it’s ruined my sex life.I’m a man of 28 and my girlfriend is 25. We
I’m terrified of my bullying colleague
DEAR DEIDRE: A former colleague verbally attacked me and threatened to destroy me.In front of the rest of the warehouse team he announced that if I di
I want my husband to write me into his will - but he refuses to do so
DEAR DEIDRE: AM I asking too much to expect my husband to write me into his will?He seems to think he doesn’t need one and has reassured me I’ll b
You helped me when I couldn't speak to anyone else
DEAR DEIDRE: When counselling sessions revealed repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse, I felt shellshocked and I couldn’t tell anyone. I rem
How do I persuade my wife to explore role-play?
DEAR DEIDRE: I’m desperate to explore my role-playing fantasies with my wife, but issues from her past have stopped her wanting sex at all.The last
I'm terrified I'll never have the family I dreamed of
DEAR DEIDRE: After being told that my chances of having children were slim, it felt like a miracle to discover I was pregnant.So when I miscarried nin
My insomnia has driven me to a breaking point
DEAR DEIDRE: Not being able to sleep is pushing me to breaking point.I haven’t slept at all for two nights because my mind keeps whirring.I’m 32 a
My daughter, 13, has started boozing with her mum after we announced divorce
DEAR DEIDRE: MY 13-year-old daughter is drinking heavily with her mother, and I’m so worried.I’m in my forties and split from my wife last year be
I'm struggling to accept what my ex did to me
DEAR DEIDRE: After finally leaving a horrible relationship, I’m starting to see my ex for who he really is.Not only did he control and gaslit me for
My OCD has taken over my life
DEAR DEIDRE: Every time I leave my house, I have to turn around and check that I’ve closed it properly.And then I go back and check it all over agai
My partner's smoking habit has me questioning our entire relationship
DEAR DEIDRE: My partner, who is a fitness freak, has taken up smoking once more. It’s triggering for me because I lost my mum to cancer and she smok
My eating disorder has taken over my life
DEAR DEIDRE: Bulimia has blighted my life since I was a teenager, but I can’t get it under control.Now I’m terrified it will mean I’m unable to
My ex-girlfriend's false accusation has ruined my sex life
DEAR DEIDRE: I was falsely accused of rape by my ex girlfriend and, since then, I can’t ejaculate.I have no problem reaching orgasm when I masturbat
Do I give my abusive ex a chance to turn things around?
DEAR DEIDRE: My abusive ex is begging me for another chance to fix our relationship, but my gut is screaming ‘Don’t go back!’I love and miss him
You helped me tell my husband about my sexual assault
DEAR DEIDRE: Many years ago, as a teenager, I was raped.Traumatically, it was the first time I had sexual intercourse, I got pregnant and had to have
Why has my friendship group suddenly rejected me?
DEAR DEIDRE: Rejection hurts. I feel so down after my walking group decided to leave me out of our weekend walk.I’ve been running the club for a few
I'm ashamed of myself after my chronic illness diagnosis
DEAR DEIDRE: Six months ago my life was turned upside down when I got diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses. My energy levels and fitness complete
My out of control daughter is pushing me to the edge
DEAR DEIDRE: I feel like giving up on my daughter. Her addiction to alcohol has become so damaging that I’m seriously thinking about walking away.
Am I a hypochondriac for worrying about changes in my breast?
DEAR DEIDRE: I have made an appointment recently for a check up because I was experiencing pain in my breast.At first I ignored it until I recently sa
Youngest grandson flies into rages and his mum cannot control him
DEAR DEIDRE: WHEN my partner’s younger grandson flies into rages he lashes out at the older one, who ends up covered in bruises.The two are brothers