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Vogue Williams scolds dad-of-3 Spencer Matthews for never doing laundry

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The dad even said he might get their three kids to do his laundry when they
The dad even said he might get their three kids to do his laundry when they're older

MUM-OF-THREE Vogue Williams has publicly scolded hubby Spencer Matthews for never helping with the laundry.

Back in 2013, an alarming study found that half of men didn't know how to use a washing machine properly, with a quarter not even sure how to switch the ''confusing'' device on, Femail reported.

The loved-up duo share a podcast, Spencer & Vogue, where they discuss various things - including who is doing the laundry eiqxitkidetprw
The loved-up duo share a podcast, Spencer & Vogue, where they discuss various things - including who is doing the laundryCredit: Alamy
The Irish model, 38, said she wished his mum had taught him how to wash clothes
The Irish model, 38, said she wished his mum had taught him how to wash clothesCredit: Getty

Although the numbers may have changed by now, more than a decade later, one of those who's still struggling with this household chore is dad-of-three, Spencer Matthews.

According to his wife, Irish model and media personality Vogue Williams, the 35-year-old's mum should've given his son a tutorial growing up.

Chatting to the Made in Chelsea personality, Vogue, the 38-year-old said: ''This is no shade to your mum at all but I think that you should've been taught how to clean and how to clean your clothes, and stuff like that.

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''You were never taught how to do that and you don't know how to do it.

''You don't even know how to turn on the washing machine,'' she star said on today's episode of the fan-loved podcast, Spencer & Vogue, which you can listen on Spotify.

The couple, who tied the knot in 2018, also share three kids - and Vogue chimed in, adding this was something she'd definitely show them.

''I will definitely be teaching our kids how to clean their clothes, how to hang them out to dry.

''How do you not know how to wash clothes?'' the mum - who recently pondered banishing hubby Spencer from their bedroom - was totally baffled.

However, the 35-year-old appeared to be fine with the arrangement - especially once their children know how to do this chore.

''Once you teach the kids, that's great - cause they can wash my clothes,'' he chuckled.

''I won't be doing loads of laundry, it wouldn't be on my agenda,'' the hubby hit back at the wife, who ''loved washing''.

Baby number four?

Vogue previously expressed wanting to have four children by the age of 40, but the demands of life with three kids, as well as being one of the busiest women in showbiz means that might not happen.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, she said: "It was never a really rigid rule.

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"I don't have an exact rule. People can have kids when they choose to have kids.

''I just wanted them close together because I'm really close to my brothers, but saying that, it was kind of a shock, the third.

"We're delighted now, but when you go from one to two you can kind of get yourself together a few weeks in, but when I went from two to three I did find it quite a big jump.

''I was struggling to be able to organise my time. I thought I'll never get out the door ever again.

''It's so full on, and then you eventually sort it out."

However, if the duo do decide to add to their wonderful brood, being 40 is certainly no deadline.

Vogue went on: "Of course if you go beyond 40, so be it.

"But in my mind I was thinking I'd love to have four kids and kind of be done when I was 40. I don't know if we'll do four kids.

''They're really really tiring, and I thought I might be too tired, I kind of want to be chilling out then."

Kate Kulniece

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