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Woman finds 'life-changing' M&S product that will 'remove any stain'

17 June 2024 , 03:00
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The magic item will remove stains in minutes (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
The magic item will remove stains in minutes (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Say goodbye to stubborn stains with this 'magic' buy from M&S.

It's impossible to live in a stain-free home. No matter how hard you try, you'll eventually spill a glass of wine, drop a dollop of ketchup on the carpet, or end up with a cut or another source of blood which leaves spots on your bedsheets or sofa. And once you've got a stain, it's a nightmare to clean, right? Well, not anymore.

One mum shared a product she recently found in her local Marks & Spencer shop that could be a game-changer when it comes to stain removal. What's more, the genius item only costs £1.25 to buy.

So what is the magic item we should all be rushing out to buy? M&S's own-brand stain-removing wipes.

Katie, who posts under the username @katieandbabyluna on TikTok, shared a video in which she used the wipes to clean up a number of stains around her house, including fake tan stains on her fabric bed frame, foundation marks on her carpet, and a curry sauce stain on one of her child's tops.

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And every time, the stain was removed like magic. She said: "It might sound dramatic, but these stain-removing wipes from Marks and Spencer have genuinely changed my entire life. Who do you think the idiot is that fake tans weekly, has a hairless cat who always gets insanely dirty and has a three-year-old? As Taylor Swift says, it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me."

Katie heard about the wipes after watching another video on TikTok and decided to try them out for herself. She explained the packaging indicates they are "perfect to use on tough stains on carpets, upholstery and fabric". She also said the instructions are to wipe from the outside of the stain toward the centre.

After cleaning her bed frame, the mum said she was "so happy" with the results she decided to use them on other stains around her house, and got to work removing the stains on the carpet in her makeup room.

And people in the comments were amazed by the wipes too, with some also recommending the fabric spray and the freshening mist for clothes. One person wrote: "That's it, I'm buying 10 packets." Another posted: "I need these in my handbag. I'm so clumsy when I wear light clothes I look like a walking advert for Vanish!"

The wipes can be found in most M&S stores, or can be bought online from Ocado, where they cost £1.25 for a pack of 30. That works out at just 4.2p per wipe!

Zahna Eklund

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