MILITARY top brass are being put up in plush £1,000 per night hotels while working away, we can reveal.
Ministry of Defence bosses and senior service staff spent £97million on rooms and accommodation last year, data released under Freedom of Information laws shows.

One hotel stay in Wiesbaden, Germany, cost £6,000 for six nights.
Another 24-night jaunt at a Paris hotel cost £13,000, or £542 per night.
A hotel in The Hague, Netherlands, cost £509 for a night, while nine nights in Virginia, USA, came to £5,130 — £570 a night.

Bookings for 269 rooms in London came to a total of £136,000, working out at £505 per night.
It came as a report last month revealed many rank and file military personnel are housed in unfit homes.
Properties are often plagued with mould, damp, electrical faults and pest infestations.
John O’Connell, boss of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “As budgets are squeezed and defence chiefs warn of shortages, MoD mandarins are living a life of luxury.”
Last night, the Ministry of Defence said: “Travel expenses must be signed off and strive to ensure value for taxpayers’ money.”