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Cost of running all household appliances revealed - from dishwashers to ovens

01 May 2023 , 14:13
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Cost of running all household appliances revealed - from dishwashers to ovens
Cost of running all household appliances revealed - from dishwashers to ovens

HOUSEHOLDS are spending more to use their appliances as prices have risen by 58% over the last 18 months.

It comes as the cost of living has reached a sky high in all aspects of life.

Appliances have risen by 58% in the past couple of years to run eiqriqexidduprw
Appliances have risen by 58% in the past couple of years to runCredit: Getty
This is how the cost of running households appliances have risen. Source: Which?
This is how the cost of running households appliances have risen. Source: Which?

And the cost to run appliances in the home have risen from £283 to £447 between October 2021 and April 2023, according to Which?.

The consumer champion monitored the prices of households appliances like the dishwasher, oven and washing machine.

This rise is for a household using a "medium" amount of energy on a standard variable tariff.  

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The increase comes after the end of the government's £400 energy discount last month.

Emily Seymour, Which? energy editor, said: “Our research shows running costs for common household appliances have risen by a huge amount - putting yet another dent in household finances when so many are feeling the pressures of the cost of living crisis.

“The good news is that there are things you can do to cut back on energy costs linked to these appliances and applying some or all of these tips could make a difference to your bills.”

Here's how six appliances have increased since 2021:

Washing machines

Which? found the average annual cost of running a washing machine with a 9kg capacity increased from £49 in October 2021 to £77.47 in April 2023. 

Households should be careful about overfilling and underfilling the machine.

Too small could result in paying extra to run more loads while too big may result in inefficient half-loads.

It’s better to wait until you can fill the machine to about 80% full.

Which? said that washing clothes at 30°C is generally fine for clothes that aren’t dirty - this could cut energy use by 38% on average compared to a 40°C wash, and a 20°C wash will use 62% less energy.

Heat pump tumble dryers

In October 2021 the average cost of running a heat pump tumble dryer, with a capacity of 9kg, was £43.95, which has now risen to £69.49. 

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While heat pump tumble dryers can cost more upfront, they cost less to run, so can be cheaper than condenser dryers over their lifespan.

A condenser tumble dryer costing £210 to buy and £217 per year in electricity costs, might amount to £4,500 over its 20-year lifespan, according to Which?.

While a heat pump dryer that costs £589 to buy, but only £38 per year in electricity, is around £1,350 over the same time period.

To use your dryer more efficiently, you could separate clothes by fabric type - as different fabrics take different lengths of time to dry.

Make sure to empty the filter after each use as built-up fluff makes the dryer work harder.


Dishwashers cost on average £60 to run in October 2021, now they are one of the more expensive appliances to run at £94.86 per year.

Which? experts recommend checking what size will best suit your home before buying a new dishwasher.

Full-size models cost more to run than compact (£60 per year) and slimline (£88.09 per year) versions. 

Using a dishwasher’s energy-saving or eco program will take longer but uses around 30% less energy.

Households could try to run their dishwasher full rather than doing more frequent half-loads.

In addition, ensure you’re not over or under-filling the dishwasher.

It helps to arrange items properly to allow water and detergent to circulate around them and check you’re using the right dishwasher program for how dirty they are.

Built-in ovens

Built-in ovens don’t cost as much to run as other key appliances, but it still pays to use them efficiently.

On average, a built-in single electric oven costs £77.02 per year to run, which has risen from £48.71 in October 2021, Which? found.

You can reduce costs by cooking in bulk – cook larger amounts of food at a time, and eat them as meals spread across the week, rather than running the oven every day.

Defrost frozen food in advance in the fridge, so that your oven isn’t having to work harder for longer to get it to the point that it’s ready to be cooked.

Smaller appliances, such as air fryers or combi microwaves, might be more efficient than ovens for cooking small items.

For example, it costs 18p to roast a chicken in an air fryer, compared with 38p in a built-in electric oven.


The average fridge freezer currently costs £139.90 to run, having risen from £62.19 in October 2021.

Freestanding and American models cost £165.36 and £211.84 respectively to run, which has increased from £48.17 and £103.07 a year from October 2021.

To ensure your fridge freezer is running as efficiently as possible, clean the condenser coils on the back, as dust on the coils can prevent the fridge from cooling properly.

Replace damaged door seals to ensure cold air cannot escape and be wasted and let food cool down completely before refrigerating.


A TV is one of the cheaper appliances to run, with a 40-43 inch model costing £30.15 per year now compared to £19.07 in October 2021.

The larger they are, the more TVs cost to run.

But even the biggest TVs tested cost a lot less to run, on average, than larger laundry or kitchen appliances.

What help can I get if I'm struggling?

The energy bill help may have ended but there are still other ways you can get help if you're struggling.

The first £301 of the £900 cost of living payment started being dished out this week.

This payment is tax-free and will not have any effect on any existing benefit payments that you receive.

More than eight million people will receive the payment.

Thousands of people could also get help through the Household Support Fund.

It was originally meant to close at the end of March but has since been extended.

The money is paid through your council and each one will have a different pot of money.

Families can get help towards their grocery shopping, child costs and energy bills.

Plus, those struggling can apply for a range of schemes that provide free cash, vouchers and more and you could get thousands of pounds.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing

Sophie King

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