DEAR DEIDRE: MY beautiful femme fatale dumped me on Christmas Eve via text and hasn’t spoken to me since.
I’m 40 and male.
I’ve travelled the world and had lots of flings but nobody got to me like this woman.
We got together on a dating app. She is 38.
She is a doctor and I know she is adored by her colleagues and her patients.

But there’s another side that nobody knows of.
We arranged to meet and she walked into the restaurant in a short skirt and blazer with a skimpy top underneath.
She told me she’s lost count of the number of men she’s slept with. We had sex on our first date.
She’s divorced and loves swinging and crazy sex games.
She drinks way too much and is out of control.
But I love her and now it’s over, I don’t know what to do.
DEIDRE SAYS: This was a cruel way to end things.
Your ex-girlfriend finds it hard to settle into relationships and my guess is a cold family background made her yearn for attention and mistake sex for love.
Sadly, you can’t make somebody feel something they don’t feel.
My support pack called Mend Your Broken Heart explains more.