A BLOKE lived in a five-star hotel for two years without paying a single penny - but now he's been asked to cough up the £55,000 bill.
Ankush Dutta booked a room at Roseate House hotel in Delhi on May 30, 2019, and was supposed to check out the next day.

But the man, who Indian cops are now investigating, extended his stay for a whopping 603 nights until January 22, 2021.
The swanky hotel have claimed that the suspected fraudster now owes them more than £55,000 in unpaid bills.
“Accounts were falsified to conceal the actual outstanding dues,” the police complaint read, reported by the Indian Express.

Hotel managers also filed a police complaint against several employees for conspiracy, forgery and cheating - with officials saying they suspected staff members were bribed to manipulate in-house software systems.
So far, no arrests have been made.
The man is believed to have gotten away with his tricks for so long through swindling with other visitor's bills and swapping bills over, in an effort to stay undetected an unsuspicious.
The case was first brought before the police on May 24, but details are only starting to come out now through local media outlets.
A senior police officer told a local news outlet: "As per hotel rules, if a guest owes more than 50,000 rupees to the hotel, the staff has to inform the seniors and push the guest for payment.
“However, this was not done.”
If found guilty, he could be headed for another lengthy free stay, but this time in a less luxurious setting.
But one man from Britain, dubbed "Britain's luckiest squatter" lives in a run down grand hotel that used to be one of the finest in the country - and he has the entire place to himself.
The bloke moved into the Grosvenor Hotel in Bristol one day when he pushed at a key card door - and it opened.
And another woman who lives in a five-star hotel full-time said she's trolled but she saves money and always has someone to clean up after her.

She lives in a two-bedroom Marriott hotel suite in Dubai, fully kitted out in three bathrooms, a living area and a kitchen.