VETS have issued an urgent warning over a popular household item which could kill your dog.
Daisy, a 12-week-old puppy from Worcester, became seriously ill - with a high temperature, an accelerated heartbeat and vomiting.

Her owner Meghan Brooks, from Worcester, left the bin out after serving up roast pork for Sunday lunch - allowing the pooch to stick her head in and bite the foil.
She was rushed to the local vets - where she was immediately taken into surgery after an ultrasound discovered part of her intestine had turned inside out.
Vet Cian O'Connell told the Worcester Observer: "It is very painful and can be fatal if not caught early enough.

"Luckily Daisie’s owner brought her to us as soon as she noticed her pet was ill and we were able to diagnose the problem quickly.
"In some cases, the affected part of the intestine needs to be removed.
"This wasn’t necessary in Daisie’s case, and I was able to carefully free the trapped tissue and straighten out the intestine.
"It’s really important to prevent dogs stealing food from bins or off kitchen surfaces or the dinner table.
"As well as causing irritations in the gut, many human foods are poisonous to them or can cause them to choke or form a blockage."
Meghan revealed she'd only owned her puppy for a week when she fell ill.
She said:: "It was a big decision to go through with the surgery because I’d only had Daisie for a week when she became poorly.
"But she’s quickly become part of the family and I would be lost without her."
It comes after an urgent warning was issued to dog owners after a popular activity made a pooch ill.