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All news on the topic: Consumer rights

Mercedes engulfed in flames 'minutes after repairs' as driver leaps to safety
THESE horror pictures show a Mercedes-Benz engulfed in flames just a short while after the car had been in for repairs.Kevin Bull, 51, has been search
Ofgem issued warning as consumer groups claim change will punish loyal customers
OFGEM is being urged not to make a major change to rules which could punish loyal energy customers.A coalition of energy firms and consumer groups is
I used a lending library to borrow power tools - I saved £318 and lots of time
DO you have a garage, loft or spare room clogged up with items you only get out once a year?Whether it’s power tools, party decorations or camping g
Everyday products you should never buy full price - from toothpaste to deodorant
It discovered that prices of popular health products such as toothpaste and razors can fluctuate wildly, with shoppers able to save up to 50% by buying them at the right time
I used quick Martin Lewis tip to claim back £600 - cash arrived in just 4 days
A MARTIN Lewis fan has shared how they managed to claim back £600 within days.Lewis' MoneySavingExpert blog had revealed a quick tip to see if you ar
Major mobile provider AXES sneaky price hikes ahead of new rules
A MAJOR mobile provider is AXING sneaky mid-contract price hikes ahead of new rules.Vodafone will no longer apply inflation-linked price rises for con
Major energy firms ranked best to worst - as customer ratings ‘lowest ever’
THE UK's biggest energy firms have been ranked from best to worst for customer service.Charity Citizen's Advice's annual league table has revealed tha
Urgent recall warning over Next sleepsuits due to risk that babies could choke
NEXT has issued an urgent recall over fears that its sleep suits could pose a choking hazard.The fashion giant has noticed a problem with its three pa
Recall over CocoMelon toy pulled from shelves as tots are at risk of choking
A POPULAR CocoMelon toy has been recalled over fears it could cause children to choke.The CocoMelon JJ Interactive Learning Doll is being pulled from
I used Martin Lewis' energy tip to reclaim £600 - we had the money within days
A MARTIN Lewis fan has revealed how she clawed back £600 after using one of the consumer champion's money-saving tips.The reade
Martin Lewis reveals how renters can get landlords to get rid of black mould
RENTERS may feel at the mercy of landlords, but Martin Lewis has revealed they hold the power when it comes to getting rid of mould.The founder of Mon
Inside 'rip-off' bill-splitting firms that cost over £1,000 extra for energy
HOUSEHOLDS are being warned about "rip-off" bill-splitting firms, which could cost thousands of pounds more than paying energy giants directly.B
'I want to speak to a human, not AI - six ways to make a successful complaint'
Consumer rights expert Martyn James explains exactly why businesses do everything in their power to stop you from talking to their customer service teams - and what you can do to get past the dreaded chatbots
Martin Lewis warning over energy bill 'rip-off' and you could be owed £100s back
MARTIN Lewis has issued an urgent warning for millions of energy customers who could be owed £100s back in refunds.In a new blog post onMoneySa
Sneaky tactics businesses use to charge you more and why everything is expensive
Consumer rights champion Martyn James has shared some of the most common examples of micro-charging and sneaky price increases to watch out for
Urgent warning over hidden car hire fees that could DOUBLE your bill on holiday
FAMILIES could be hit by a minefield of extra car hire costs this summer.Rental prices soared last year and now are falling.But a variety of catches m
Warning over customer service catastrophe - how to fight back now
CUSTOMER service is in crisis, with complaints and call wait times both soaring.Every week our Sun Money inbox is inundated by customers who have been
Warning over mis-sold car finance that could see you lose HALF of compo cash
DRIVERS caught up in mis-sold car finance scandals are being warned not to risk losing half their compensation.No-win, no-fee claims-chasing firms pro
I got £1,040 paid into my bank account with Martin Lewis flight compensation tip
A TRAVELLER has shared how they bagged £1,040 in flight delay compensation after following Martin Lewis' advice.It came as the founder of MoneySaving
High street bank with 18m customers to axe ‘lifesaving’ payment method in HOURS
A MAJOR high street bank with 18million customers is set to axe a "lifesaving" payment method.NatWest will no longer offer Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) fr
Can you get a refund if you buy an item and find it cheaper elsewhere?
THERE is nothing worse than buying an item and then seeing it cheaper at another shop.Even worse is finding the same store has slashed the price of th
My daughter was hospitalised by mould in our council house - I'm upset and angry
A MUM-OF-TWO was left heartbroken after her young daughter was left hospitalised by mould and damp in their council home.Louise rents a council flat i
Major high street bank makes change to its 'de-banking' rules AHEAD of deadline
A MAJOR high street bank has made a huge change to its "de-banking" rules earlier than necessary.NatWest has extended the amount of notice it gives cu
Six rules your landlord MUST follow and how to get £1,000s if they're broken
RENTERS may feel at the mercy of their landlords, but there are plenty of rules they need to follow or you could get compensation.From mould to "risky
I saved £100 after spotting bank account mistake - it took five minutes to fix
NOT keeping on top of our financial admin is costing us millions a year - while being big business for firms who rely on us being forgetful.Accidental