ADAM Peaty was left with a nasty gash above his eye following a punch-up with a Team GB teammate thanks to a "cocky quip".
The 28-year-old Olympic gold medallist allegedly cracked a joke about Luke Greenbank’s girlfriend, Peaty's ex, before touching his bottom.

Peaty's jibe left Greenbank livid, and he launched at the swimming ace during a British Swimming training session on Friday.
A source told The Sun: “It was absolute carnage.
"Peaty was being cocky and made a joke at Greenbank’s expense, before touching his backside.

"But his actions touched a real nerve for Greenbank and it got very heated.
“Peaty was left with a bloody face and needing treatment.
"Those around them persuaded Peaty and Greenbank to shake hands and put the fight behind them."
Peaty's comment was reportedly about Olympic gold medallist swimmer Anna Hopkin, 27, who Greenbank, 25, has dated for two years.
She was previously in a relationship with Peaty, who is now dating chef Gordon Ramsey's daughter Holly.
Pictures show Peaty with two gashes on his face following the fight, which left him with a bloody face.
The snap was taken at an event for Oyster Pools & Hot Tubs Ltd, in South Wales, last week, MailOnline reports.
Coaches treated Peaty at Loughborough University following the incident.
The pool ace has won two Olympic gold medals, eight swimming world championships.
He is a sixteen-time European champion and four-time Commonwealth champion.

The dad-of-one is widely regarded as the best breaststroke swimmer in history.