DEAR DEIDRE: AFTER a messy break-up I had no choice but to move back in with my parents.
Now I’m back to square one and I feel completely lost.
I’m a man of 29, my ex is 27 and we were together for seven years.
Until now I had never imagined a future without her.
After our split we decided that it would be best if I moved out of our house to give each other space.

Since then I have felt so alone, and the reality of moving on has been heartbreaking.
Having to rebuild my life without her feels overwhelming and I don’t know where to begin.
While I have always been a positive person, lately I’ve been feeling down and lonely.
DEIDRE SAYS: Breaking up with a long-term partner can be a huge adjustment.
However, life will get back to normal, even though that normal may look different from what you first expected.
My support pack Mend Your Broken Heart can help you through your feelings.
Please don’t suffer alone. Talking to somebody impartial about the situation would help you too, so read my support pack How Counselling Can Help.