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All news on the topic: Dear Deidre on Mental Health

I am really worried for my grandson - he has been off school for months
DEAR DEIDRE: MY grandson has been off school for a few months and I am really worried about him.He is nearly 13, in his second year at secondary schoo
I'm constantly being stalked by a woman I went on one date with
DEAR DEIDRE: Every day I live in constant fear because of my stalker.No matter where I go or what I do, I know I’m being watched and it’s slowly r
I can't get over my lover who dumped me five years ago
DEAR DEIDRE: Although it’s five years since my lesbian lover dumped me by text, I can’t get over her.The worst thing is, I’m still in the closet
My fling dumped me after I flopped during sex
DEAR DEIDRE: My fling dumped me because I flopped in bed.I’m 36, she’s 30 and we met on an online dating app.We’d been seeing each other for two
Why am I devastated after my abusive partner died?
DEAR DEIDRE: BEFORE he died, my partner made my life a living hell. He was abusive for years, and I thought I’d be happy once he was gone. But inst
My partner will go off the rails without me
DEAR DEIDRE: If I end my 20-year relationship, I’m worried my partner will go off the rails. He won’t cope without me.I’m a 37 year-old woman, w
My sisters don’t acknowledge my existence & haven’t talked to me for six months
DEAR DEIDRE: SINCE a family wedding, six months ago, my sisters haven’t been in contact with me.They regularly meet for coffee, but always leave me
I want to show my kids how much I love them after walking out on them 30yrs ago
DEAR DEIDRE: HOW do I undo the damage I caused to my children when I walked out on them 30 years ago?They now have children of their own, who I’ve n
When I was struggling to get over my situationship, you helped me move on
DEAR DEIDRE: WHEN my troubled partner ended our off again/on again relationship and moved to another city, I was bereft.Although I understood that he
I’m terrified of my bullying colleague
DEAR DEIDRE: A former colleague verbally attacked me and threatened to destroy me.In front of the rest of the warehouse team he announced that if I di
My obsessive routines are affecting my marriage
DEAR DEIDRE: Every time I come in from work, I have to wipe my feet 20 times on the doormat.After that, I must take my shoes off, then wash my hands i
Will HIV stop me from finding the one?
DEAR DEIDRE: How can I ever hope to find love when I am HIV positive?Since I caught the virus in my late 20s, I’ve been too afraid to date again.Now
I'm ashamed that I like wearing women's undies & fear for future relationships
DEAR DEIDRE: I’M ashamed to admit I feel much more comfortable in women’s clothing than I do in men’s.Sometimes, when I go out, I even wear a br
Controlling ex won't let me go away for weekend with my new lover
DEAR DEIDRE: I WOULD love to take my wife away for a romantic break but my controlling ex won’t let me have a weekend off.She was abusive during our
You helped me when I couldn't speak to anyone else
DEAR DEIDRE: When counselling sessions revealed repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse, I felt shellshocked and I couldn’t tell anyone. I rem
How do I persuade my wife to explore role-play?
DEAR DEIDRE: I’m desperate to explore my role-playing fantasies with my wife, but issues from her past have stopped her wanting sex at all.The last
I'm terrified I'll never have the family I dreamed of
DEAR DEIDRE: After being told that my chances of having children were slim, it felt like a miracle to discover I was pregnant.So when I miscarried nin
My wife won't look me in the eye after I confessed my secret
DEAR DEIDRE: After years of secretly wearing women’s underwear, I decided it was finally time to come clean to my wife.But she called me a freak and
My insomnia has driven me to a breaking point
DEAR DEIDRE: Not being able to sleep is pushing me to breaking point.I haven’t slept at all for two nights because my mind keeps whirring.I’m 32 a
I'm racking up debts with shopping sprees since leaving my abusive marriage
DEAR DEIDRE: I’M racking up debts after embarking on a mammoth spending spree.It started after I left my abusive marriage and finally felt in contro
I am broken by rape allegations against my son by his ex-girlfriend
DEAR DEIDRE: SINCE my son was arrested for allegedly raping his ex-girlfriend, I have been drinking every night to blot out my pain and anxiety.He is
You helped me overcome my issues with jealousy
DEAR DEIDRE: Almost 10 years ago, I wrote to you about my relationship with an amazing woman.I knew she was the girl of my dreams and that I wanted to
I'm struggling to accept what my ex did to me
DEAR DEIDRE: After finally leaving a horrible relationship, I’m starting to see my ex for who he really is.Not only did he control and gaslit me for
I've become reliant on drugs to cope with my break-up
DEAR DEIDRE: Since the love of my life unexpectedly dumped me, I’ve become reliant on hardcore drugs.I’m 30 and my ex is 29 and she was unlike any
My OCD has taken over my life
DEAR DEIDRE: Every time I leave my house, I have to turn around and check that I’ve closed it properly.And then I go back and check it all over agai