CHRISTMAS EVE is a challenging time for parents because not only are there presents to wrap and turkeys to baste, there’s also the added battle of getting excited children off to sleep.
A combination of anticipation, imagination and excitement can mean the children find it hard to nod off and parents are left pulling their hair out because they can’t seem to get any of the last minute secret Santa bits done without interruption.

But what if there was an expert way to get the children off to sleep at a decent hour on Christmas Eve? One that ensures the parents are in for a a good night's sleep too.
In an exclusive interview with Vitabiotics, renowned sleep expert Dave Gibson offers an in-depth guide of practical tips and strategies to help parents navigate the challenges of getting children to sleep on this magical night.
This sleep expert reveals the specific bedtime snack secret that actually works on a chemical level to aid sleep and prompt feelings of tiredness.

But before the secret snacks first Gibson recommends reducing sugar intake across the day, especially closer to bedtime and saving the evening snack about an hour before bedtime.
The sleep expert explains: “Studies have shown poor sleep quality is significantly related to higher added sugar intake.
"However, there’s no scientific evidence that sugar speeds children up and causes hyperactivity.
"It’s thought that when we tell children that sugar will make them ‘hyper’, this sets up this behaviour as a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’,” Gibson reveals.
By capping the sugar intake a few hours before sleep and combining carbs and dairy to make a savoury snack instead Gibson explains how this can improve your nights sleep.
"Combining carbohydrates and dairy is a great way to release an amino acid called tryptophan.
"Tryptophan aids sleep as it is a building block of melatonin, our sleep hormone."
The sleep expert recommends a few easy snacks including crackers, cheese and porridge to create this powerful sleepy effect on Christmas Eve.
Topping the list of sleepy snack combo's are: “Good bedtime snacks for young children include fruit, protein and fat, with protein and fat taking longer to digest and likely to fill them up more.
"Warm milk with honey is the perfect soothing bedtime drink, as the honey helps release tryptophan from the milk.

"Oatmeal with Greek yoghurt or cheese and crackers are excellent snacks to try.
"Bananas work well as they contain magnesium, which is beneficial for sleep," explains the sleep expert.
It's time to get the cheese board out a night early in this case or better still why not let the children enjoy a similar snack often left out for Santa and his busy reindeers.