A COMPUTER whizz created a Tinder feature that guarantees to stop girls swiping left on him leaving him with hundreds of matches.
As part of an April Fools Day hacking prank, singles that didn't fancy James Arnott were told: "Sorry this person is too hot to dislike today".

Despite racking up 1,289 likes in just one day, he says he's a tad disappointed he didn't get more.
The 21-year-old, from East London, who has a partner, told The Sun: "I engineered a way to disable swiping left. Disable rejecting.
"It would come up with a funny pop-up saying 'this person is too hot to reject'."

The popup read: "Sorry this person is too hot to dislike today, please try again with someone else."
James developed the Google Chrome extension LighterFuel which allows Tinder desktop users to see when potential matches created a profile.
He got the idea after discovering Tinder published when people created their accounts.
He said: "the goal was always to help people identify scammers because their are quite a few scammers on Tinder.
"It helps you out knowing how long someone has been on Tinder.
"It is really simple, it's also got reverse image searching so you can identify whether or not profiles are fake.
"You just install the extension and then load up Tinder on your computer. A lot of people use it on a desktop.
"It's proven to be pretty popular, it's gained about 9,000 users which is pretty good."
But on April Fools Day, James rolled out his 'no dislike' update as a prank.
He explained: "My profile was swiped on 2,608 times. I received 1,289 likes.

"It was a global profile.
"I had a way to show all users that got the April fools update to view my profile, so they would be able to swipe on it.
"It didn't roll out to everyone, but quite a few people got it.
"It was a bit fewer than I was expecting."
But users were not totally trapped.
Nice James did actually give them a get out of jail free option by pressing the left arrow on a keyboard.
"I didn't trap them, I gave them a way out."
A whopping 82 per cent of the people who liked James were men, while only 17 per cent were women.
James, who has a 2.1 in Computer Science from Royal Holloway Uni, admitted he doesn't even like dating apps.
"I just thought it would be a funny thing to do?"
He added: "I haven't had any negative reviews from it. I had 72 people who installed. It's all been pretty good."
James has made no money from the app, with any proceeds/ad revenue going to Ukraine relief charities.
He isn't able to work out how much money has gone to Ukraine thanks to the app.