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My best friend has accused me of stealing from her

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My best friend has accused me of stealing from her
My best friend has accused me of stealing from her

DEAR DEIDRE: I have been accused of stealing money from my best friend’s home while I was looking after her cats. It was not me.

I’m a woman aged 61 and she is 60. Our mums were mates when we started school years ago.

We have been there for each other through our weddings, christenings, my divorce and my friend’s bereavement.

We’ve nursed one another through operations and illnesses and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her, or that she wouldn’t do for me.

I always look after her cats when she goes on holiday. It isn’t a problem for me at all, but when my friend called me yesterday, I was so shocked. She said she’d had £200 in a biscuit tin in the kitchen and it had disappeared.

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I said to her, “Well, who do you think has taken it?” and she answered, “My son says that the finger obviously points towards you.”

Horrified, I said, “I can’t believe you’d think that of me” and I hung up. I don’t know what to do about it, but I do know I’m innocent.

DEIDRE SAYS: This must make you feel so unappreciated when I know that your friend means the world to you.

Rather than go silent, which could look more suspicious, make contact and do everything to face this issue.

Go and see your friend and tell her you want to sort this out. Ask whether you could go for a walk together and get a coffee somewhere.

Explain to her that you would never take any money from her and ask her to believe you. My support pack Standing Up For Yourself will help.

Ask who else has a key to her home. Has she had people working on her house recently? Offer to help her search her kitchen again in case it has been mislaid.

If she still doesn’t believe you, suggest that she calls the police.

Sally Land

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