With nearly 5.5 million children aged 16-18 set to sit exams this summer, whether GCSEs or A-Levels, it's bound to be a stressful time.
But not just for the students, but their families and the wider school community. Dr Jo Turner, who bagged the gold in the Award for Teacher of the Year in a Secondary School at the 2023 Pearson National Teaching Awards, has offered some expert advice on how parents can help their children navigate the exam season, and how to make the most of teachers and educational resources.
Promote healthy habits - While studying and revision are crucial, it's equally important that your child takes care of their wellbeing during this hectic period. Encourage them to take walks, socialise with friends, and eat balanced meals to maintain focus and health. Establishing a routine is also beneficial, so ensure they schedule study sessions with sufficient breaks for maximum productivity.
Create a conducive environment - Ensure there's a dedicated space in your home for revision. It's vital for students to have a serene, quiet environment for studying, reports Wales Online. Equally important is having a space in the house that isn't associated with exams or revision, where they can relax and recharge between study sessions and exams.
Studying together - Sometimes, all they need is practical support. Consult your child's teachers for guidance on how to assist them with their revision and identify any areas that require more focus. Each child is unique, and the support staff should be able to point you towards useful resources and techniques for your study sessions.

For instance, a technique favoured by many parents involves jotting down 10 keywords or concepts from a subject your child is studying. You can then quiz them on this material randomly throughout the week. Once they correctly answer a question three times, substitute it with another one. This ensures they are actively learning with your assistance and support.
Past papers are also crucial for mastering exam techniques. You could encourage your child to complete as many as possible and then offer to grade them, ensuring they maximise this revision strategy.
Celebrating small victories - Your child will be attempting to revise two years' worth of content in just a few weeks, uncertain about what will appear on the day. Make sure to celebrate the small achievements, like answering a practice question correctly or finishing revising a specific module. These minor victories can boost your child's confidence and motivation to strive even harder.
Positive reinforcement - These exams aren't the ultimate measure of success. Your children are under immense pressure from various sources. Make sure they understand that whatever results they receive in August, it doesn't define their potential. Exceptional teachers and school staff will reinforce this message, offering guidance and support throughout the exam season and beyond.
National Thank A Teacher Day is taking place on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, where parents and students will have the chance to show their appreciation for teachers, lecturers, and support staff in schools across the country. If there is a particular member of staff who has helped with revision, stayed late to go over a topic, or is an all-around amazing educator, you can send them a free personalised e-card to show how special they are, and how vital they are to your child's education.
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