Porn star Cherie DeVIlle jumped at the chance to appear in the Netflix documentary Money Shot: The Pornhub Story to provide a voice for other stars.
The film showed viewers the dark truth behind Pornhub, detailing how the website transformed adult entertainment and turned it into a multi-billion dollar industry. Cherie is featured in the documentary alongside other performers, activists and past employees.
Speaking exclusively to The Mirror, Cherie has revealed she agreed to be interviewed for the film to try and "humanise" porn stars. However, her appearance came at a cost as she sadly received death threats from online trolls.
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Speaking about her experiences, she said: "Stuff like that is always terrifying because you're really putting yourself out there. And for as many fans as I have, I have 10 times as many haters and that can become dangerous and violent.

"So even they [Netflix] had to purchase all kinds of online protections for me. I got lots of death threats. My poor family really went through it."
Cherie said she knew what kind of reception the film would get, but felt she had to do it. She told us: "I did it anyway because so many of my peers, they don't have the financial privilege that I do and they don't have the career privilege that I have to sort of withstand that.

"I have a strong family support system, a strong friend support system. I'm financially sound. So if I lost work and my family got harassed and all these other things, I would survive it."
The 45-year-old said she felt as though it was her "duty" to appear in the documentary so she could be "an intelligent voice for the industry to help humanise us." She added: "I just wanted to bring an ounce more humanity to people that do the job that I do.
"Even if I opened a few people's eyes to be like, oh, these aren't all drug addled people who were snatched from their family underage and all these stereotypes. If I just could help open the doors for other sex workers or help open the eyes of people who are often so violent and cruel to us, it's a win."
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