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My best mate constantly betrays me

17 May 2024 , 16:30
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My best mate constantly betrays me
My best mate constantly betrays me

DEAR DEIDRE: Again and again, I’ve been let down or betrayed by my best mate.

He keeps taking advantage of me, and I’m not sure I want to continue our friendship.

We’re both 16-year-old lads and have been friends since the start of secondary school.

He’s always asking to copy my schoolwork, or getting me to do it for him.

Worse, if he knows I like a girl, he flirts with her. There was one girl I really liked, and instead of helping me, he kissed her.

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I’ve had enough of him walking all over me. But I don’t have many mates and would be lost without him.

What should I do?

DEIDRE SAYS: He’s taking advantage of your good nature and the knowledge you won’t stand up to him, and being competitive instead of supportive.

That’s not how a best mate behaves and if he won’t change, you’d be better off without him.

You need to tell him how you feel and ask him to start treating you better. My support pack, Standing Up For Yourself, should help you do this.

Sally Land

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