Youngest grandson flies into rages and his mum cannot control him

19 May 2024 , 16:51
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She’s making his life a misery while the 13-year-old gets away with everything
She’s making his life a misery while the 13-year-old gets away with everything

DEAR DEIDRE: WHEN my partner’s younger grandson flies into rages he lashes out at the older one, who ends up covered in bruises.

The two are brothers aged 13 and 18. The younger one is a bit overweight and has rages regularly.

His brother won’t retaliate in case things go too far. Their mother seems oblivious to it.

The 13-year-old comes to our house and swears at my partner and I. If my partner refuses to let him come to ours, their mother won’t allow his brother over.

I’m female and 60 and my partner is 62.

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The older grandson is a wonderful young man but he’s fed up because his mother stalks him now that he has a girlfriend.

She contacts him all the time, even when he is at college, wanting to know where he is and who he’s with.

She’s making his life a misery while the 13-year-old gets away with everything.

DEIDRE SAYS: Your partner’s younger grandson sounds very angry. Can your partner ask him if there’s anything bothering him?

Is he having friendship problems, struggling at school, or being bullied?

Or perhaps is there an issue at home? The fact his mum is turning a blind eye, rather than disciplining him, makes me wonder if she is struggling.

Sometimes children lash out if they feel anxious or unsettled.

If his dad isn’t involved in his life this could be another factor.

Contact (0808 800 2222) for help.

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Sally Land

The Sun Newspaper, Parenting advice, Dear Deidre on Parenting, Dear Deidre on Health and Wellbeing, Dear Deidre on Family

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