THE ten most expensive places to fill up in the UK have been revealed - could you be overpaying hundreds every year?
Topping up with fuel is never cheap but some places, in particular, are absolute no go zones if you're looking to get your money's worth.

With the cost of insurance, road tax, MOT's, services and any other repairs, the last thing you need is petrol stations bleeding you dry.
For regular drivers, especially, finding the cheapest places to fill up is essential, although it's safe to say everyone is keen to avoid being ripped off.
Many factors influence the price of petrol, such as location or infrastructure, with motorway service stations the main culprits of charging a pretty penny.

According to the RAC, the average price of petrol in the UK is 145.46p.
For motorway service areas, the average price rises to 167.13p.
It's natural to assume areas in the south will have the most expensive fuel prices, yet many northern locations far surpass the average prices in the UK.
For example, Cheshire comes in at tenth on the list for the most expensive places in the UK to fill up your car.
According to new research reported by the Express, the average fuel price (pence per litre) in the north-west county is a whopping 159.22p.
It's also claimed that the average weekly fuel cost in Cheshire stands at £79.61.
In Bedfordshire, things are exactly the same, with the average price of petrol also standing at 159.22p.
Warwickshire averages slightly higher at 159.95p, while residents of Berkshire must pay 160.03p per litre.
Across the border in Wales, the average fuel price in Denbighshire is 160.53p, with the weekly fuel cost totalling £80.27.
In Flintshire, drivers are required to pay on average 160.64p per litre, while the southern Welsh county of Monmouthshire averages an eye-watering price of 160.99p for petrol.

Claiming the title for the third most expensive area in the UK for the average price of petrol is Edinburgh.
The average cost of fuel in the Scottish capital is 163.2p per litre, with residents expected to spend around £81.60 on filling up per week.
Rather bizarrely, it is not a county taking second spot on this most expensive list, but a town.
Conwy, in Wales, charges an average of 164.81p per litre for petrol.
Those residing in the walled market town in North Wales are also believed to rack up bills of £82.41 per week on fuel.
Taking top spot as the most expensive place in the UK to fill up your vehicle is the country of Dumfriesshire in southern Scotland.
With an average fuel price of 166.82p, it is the dearest place for a quick top up for Brits.
And if you live here, you're likely to spend £83.41 a week on petrol.