MOLLY-MAE Hague has revealed the alternative name she very nearly picked for baby daughter Bambi – and it’s just as unusual.
Reality star Molly shares her adorable one-year-old with her boxer fiancé Tommy Fury.

Molly, 24, took to social media for a Q&A with fans, and someone asked which baby names she considered but didn’t end up picking.
In response, the star wrote: “At the moment I’m obsessed with the baby girl name ‘Brandy.’”
The Love Island star then went on to explain why, despite loving the name, she wouldn’t be using it if she were to having another daughter.

Molly shared: “Would never use it because too similar to Bambi but I think it’s very cute/cool.”
She continued: “Any individual/ quirky names I just love. Also I think boys names are SO hard.
“I genuinely don’t have one name that I love for the future if we needed one.”
Another question sent in to Molly from a fan asked how she was coping with motherhood, with baby heading towards toddler status.
Molly replied, saying: “I wouldn't say she's a proper toddler yet but honestly motherhood now is everything I dreamt it would be. I can see it just getting better and better too. The older she gets the more amazing each day is.
“The first 6 months for me was the biggest challenge ever but now I feel very in control and happy.
“So many people used to say to me 'It only gets worse, it only gets harder' etc and it literally used to terrify me because I was really struggling... But for me personally it's just getting more incredible each day."
Molly opened up about her future children's names in a Q&A on Instagram in 2020 - and explained her decisions.
One fan asked if their kids will have unusual names, to which she replied: "Yes, a million percent.
"No one in my child's class is going to have the same name as them.

"I already have names in mind that I know everyone is going to hate, and I just can't wait for it."
Molly had to turn off her Instagram comments after fans were divided over her baby Bambi’s adorable name.
The divisive reaction prompted Molly-Mae to remove comments from her Instagram announcement.
One fan said: "No way has Molly-Mae called her baby Bambi!"
Another posted: "I love Molly-Mae but… calling your daughter BAMBI??!"
However, many did celebrate the name too.