DEAR DEIDRE: I drink to blot out my fears. I’m struggling with life and just want to feel normal.
I’m an 18-year-old girl and have felt anxious for years, since the first Covid lockdown.
I thought things would get better once life went back to normal, but they haven’t.
Every day, I wake up worrying. Sometimes I have panic attacks. I’ve stopped going out and I know I’m going to mess up my exams.
Having a few drinks takes the edge off it. Except, then I sober up and feel much worse.

DEIDRE SAYS: Many young people have had anxiety problems since Covid, and it’s good you have asked for help.
If you can cut down, or even cut out the booze, and try to get out and exercise in the fresh air instead, you’ll feel far better than drinking.
Please see your GP who can discuss options with you. Talk to, which is for people aged under 25, and confide in your parents, if you can.