COUNTRYFILE viewers were left wondering where to look as the show battled a life or death situation during a tense episode.
The latest episode of the BBC's Sunday night staple delved into lambing season on the farm.

The action was taking place at Cotswold Farm Park as Adam Henson took a visit to see the lambing season coming to a close.
Unfortunately, it was clear from the get-go that not everything was going as expected.
Adam immediately spotted a distressed ewe and bottled over to help save her in the scary situation.

Co-star Ellie Harrison was also on hand as she aimed to help out with what she could as she attempted to provide reassurance for Adam and the team.
Telling her what was going on, Adam said: "What we've got her, Ellie, is a ewe that's started lambing, but she's only got a head and one leg."
The lamb had become stuck in the birth canal during the birthing process with its legs separated with one of them facing forward whilst the other was scarily trapped behind.
Adam confessed that she was 'quite far along' and that he had only minutes to prevent what could have been a life or death situation.
In order for the lamb to be delivered safely, Adam wanted to get it back inside the sheep in an attempt to effectively try again.
It saw him pushing the lamb back inside before twisting it around whilst still inside the pregnant mother in order for it be birthed in the correct positioning.
Having tied a string around the lamb to allow him to do so, he successfully managed to push the lamb into the right position.
"I'm holding my breath here", muttered Ellie Harrison as she watched on stunned and was left dumbfounded when the first lamb was born, appearing to be lifeless.
Panicked, Adam handed her the lamb and instructed her to "rub it" and clear its airways in hopes of saving it.
As she was doing so, Adam helped to deliver the ewe's second lamb.

Thankfully, Adam helped to save both lambs after the distressing birth with all involved.
Ellie then said: "Oh my God, I feel really choked by that, it was just so stressful!
"Oh my goodness. I can't believe you managed to do that."
Ellie confessed that she thought it was certain death for the two lambs as she appeared genuinely shocked by what had happened.
Remarking on the scenes online, one viewer said: "Remarkable business #Countryfile lambing. Good grief @AdamHenson, I’m in tears. Poor sheep and lambs. Well done! #countryfile."
Another was left a little stunned at the graphic scenes as they penned: "Oh thanks #countryfile i was enjoying my bread and butter pudding there."
Someone else added: "Ewe CANNOT be serious.#countryfile."
Before a fourth commented: "That's a bit of a difference gone from the football to a lamb giving birth."