DEAR DEIDRE: Almost 10 years ago, I wrote to you about my relationship with an amazing woman.
I knew she was the girl of my dreams and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, but I found it impossible to trust because I’d been so badly hurt in the past.
I was 28 then, I’m 37 now.
My jealousy was off the scale because I’d been cheated on by previous girlfriends.
Although I knew she loved me, I kept checking her phone, quizzing her about her movements and getting annoyed when another guy looked at her.

I realised I was pushing her away and wrote for advice.
You told me my jealousy stemmed from my own insecurities and that I needed to work on my fears and find ways to deal with them.
You sent me your support pack about Jealousy and suggested counselling.
I wanted to update you. A decade on I am now happily married to that lovely woman.
I no longer have the issues I had when I wrote. With her help - and yours - I have overcome them.
Thank you!
DEIDRE SAYS: It’s so wonderful to hear a positive outcome from a reader with a problem.
I wish you and your wife every happiness.