DEAR DEIDRE: Although I know people won’t approve, I can’t stop lusting after a man who is 30 years younger than me.
He’s my daughter’s friend and I think he’s perfect. I’ve never connected with a man so well.
I’m 52 and divorced, and he’s 22 - the same age as my daughter. They share a flat together.
From the moment I set eyes on him, I was smitten.
But it’s not just his fit body and gorgeous smile that attracts me. We have so much in common and have such a laugh.

I’m not deluded - this isn’t a one-sided thing. When I visit my daughter he makes an effort to talk to me alone.
Sometimes, he stays up over a drink when she’s gone to bed.
We swapped numbers and chat sometimes. I can’t stop thinking about him and constantly check my messages to see if he’s been in touch.
I feel like a teenager again. Seeing him gives me the flutters.
I have no interest in the men I meet on dating apps - they’re all boring, bald, fat and bitter, with too much baggage.
Assuming that he became single, could this relationship work out? After all, age is just a number.
My daughter has no idea how I feel. I’m sure she’d be horrified.
DEIDRE SAYS: You may feel like a teenager again, but you’re not. You need to be a grown-up.
Think about your daughter, who would feel betrayed or shut out by both her mum and her friend.
You can’t be sure he doesn’t just see you as a mother figure. Maybe he’s flattered.

You might have interests in common, but you’re at very different life stages.
He may want to go travelling, or have children.
Age is more than just a number - it creates an imbalance of power too.
See my support pack on Age Gaps.
Your strong feelings indicate you do want a relationship. My support pack, Finding the Love of Your Life, should help.