HAUNTING footage shows the moment a train slammed into a truck that stalled on the tracks - and the big rig was completely obliterated in the crash.
The driver ran for his life as the train approached, blaring its horn as a warning before the gnarly wreck.

Red crossing lights flashed and bells played as the train approached - but the driver was unable to move the truck from the tracks.
Zack Hatcher, a Georgia man who was in a car behind the semi-truck, recorded the whole crash.
“This f**king train just hit this truck,” Hatcher said in the background of the video.

“You alright, man?” he asked the driver.
Hatcher said he tried to alert the driver moments before the train came storming through.
“I went up and warned [the truck driver that] the train was coming before the guardrails dropped down," Hatcher said.
"He eventually realized what was about to happen, so at that point I put my truck into reverse and pulled out my camera."
"It was like slow motion when my truck was hit with all sorts of debris. It also all happens at the blink of an eye.”
The driver ran for his life just before the train decimated the semi-truck.
Following the disastrous crash, which took place on an interstate right outside Atlanta, the contents inside the truck were scattered all over the tracks and surrounding area.
“The engineer and conductor both stated that they could see the truck stopped on the tracks,” City of Emerson Police Department captain Lisa Fuller said.
“They started to break as soon as they saw the truck, but they were not able to stop in time.”
Luckily, the truck driver was able to quickly escape the semi in time and no one was injured in the crash.

“It was a scary situation, but I’m happy everyone survived,” Hatcher said.
This isn’t the first time a semi-truck has stalled on the tracks in the area and caused a collision with oncoming trains.
Since 2017, eight trucks have stalled on that specific track, Fox News reported.

The turning radius near the tracks apparently causes large trucks to stall while attempting to turn.
“There’s been incidents before where the drivers weren’t able to get out of the vehicles,” Fuller said.
Trains take a long time to brake, which makes getting caught on the tracks an extremely dangerous situation.
It can take a train over a mile to stop when moving at over 55 miles an hour, according to Operation Lifesaver, an organization dedicated to promoting rail safety.
Highway-rail grade crossing collisions and pedestrian trespassers on tracks account for 95% of all railroad fatalities, the Federal Railroad Administration reported.
In 2023, there were 2,190 highway-rail incidents at crossings in the United States.
Operation Lifesaver encourages those crossing railway tracks to be extremely cautious and observant before crossing the tracks.
“Once you begin crossing the tracks, do not hesitate,” the organization wrote.
“If stuck or stalled on the tracks, evacuate immediately and call the number on the Blue and White sign.”
“Give the crossing identification number so the railroad knows your location.”
The organization encourages drivers to know the local and state laws about railway crossings before driving.