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My eating disorder has taken over my life

31 May 2024 , 16:40
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My eating disorder has taken over my life
My eating disorder has taken over my life

DEAR DEIDRE: Bulimia has blighted my life since I was a teenager, but I can’t get it under control.

Now I’m terrified it will mean I’m unable to have children with my partner.

I’m 30 and have been bingeing and then making myself sick since I was 13. My partner is 33.

I first developed bulimia when I was bullied at school. It made me feel in control.

Nobody realised for years until it started affecting my skin and teeth. But the doctor was hopeless - unsympathetic and dismissive. 

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As a result, I haven’t dared to ask for medical help for my bulimia since. 

I did get better for a while but my urge to make myself vomit never goes away entirely.

Every time I have to deal with any stress or upset, it starts again.

I’ve also had depression and anxiety on and off, over the years.

Two years ago, I met a wonderful man. He knows about my bulimia and has been very supportive.

We want to get married and start a family. But I’m desperately worried that my eating disorder will mean that’s impossible. 

I have had problems with my periods, which stopped for a while and are now really irregular. 

He wants to be a dad so much and I dearly want to be a mum. What if I’ve ruined our chances?

I know you’ll tell me to see a doctor but I really don’t want to. 

DEIDRE SAYS: Many women who’ve suffered from eating disorders, including bulimia, do go on to have healthy pregnancies. 

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But it would be far better if you can get it under control before you think about trying to conceive - both for your sake and any potential baby’s. 

To do this, you need to understand what causes you to binge and vomit, so you can find healthier ways of dealing with your anxiety.
My support pack about Eating Disorders will tell you more about where to get help.

I understand your fear of seeing a doctor, but please talk to the charity Beat (, tel: 0808 801 0677).

They will understand and be sympathetic, and can give you information about pregnancy and eating disorders. 

Talk to your partner and ask for his support. Perhaps he can come to see a doctor with you, once you’re feeling stronger.

Sally Land

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