POSTCODE Lottery players have been discovered living in some of the country’s poshest addresses – including Buckingham Palace and Downing Street.
The popular lottery clearly has fans in very high places as almost all of Britain’s swanky postcodes have signed up to be in with a chance of getting a share of the multi-million pound jackpot.

It seems that the political elite in the Houses of Parliament and the prime minister’s country residence, Chequers, have signed up for the big money monthly draw.
There are also players at Balmoral, Windsor Castle and Kensington Palace all wanting a chance to possibly win millions.
While no one at these posh address has won the big jackpot, they have all won smaller cash prizes dozens of times over the past five years, including just last month.

The People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Jeff Brazier said yesterday: “I know the palace is nicknamed Buck House but in future they might be calling it Bucks House.
“I’ve delivered thousands of winning cheques all over Britain, but now I know they’re playing at the Palace I’ll get the white gloves out in case we get the chance for the most famous door knock of all time.”
Workers at the People’s Postcode Lottery were going through a list of their players’ addresses when they were startled to see some of the UK’s most well-known and influential addresses crop up.
One said: “We didn’t honestly expect to see Buckingham Palace on this list.”
The organisation’s latest game launches on Coronation Day called Millionaire Street.
It will see one lucky postcode get to share a sizeable £1m jackpot every week.
While most lotto’s work by players picking various number that they select, the People’s Postcode Lottery works differently.
Players simply sign up and pay £12 a month and their postcode goes into a monthly draw.
If their postcode is selected, everyone in that postcode who plays, gets to share out the winnings.
The next draw in May will see a jackpot of a hefty £19m.

The lottery also helps good causes with a third of the ticket price going to charities.
Since it launched in Britain in 2005, it has donated more than a billion pounds to organisations such as the NSPCC, the Alzheimer’s Society and Barnardo’s.
More than 70 per cent of British postcodes are currently playing and 82 per cent of those won a prize last year.