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My traditional Christian family have no clue about my sex secret

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My traditional Christian family have no clue about my sex secret
My traditional Christian family have no clue about my sex secret

DEAR DEIDRE: I’m hooked on deepfake porn and I’ve only just realised the ‘stars’ are probably innocent people whose photo has been used fraudulently.

I’m a woman of 20 and my family is Christian. My parents are very traditional.

They don’t believe in sex before marriage, wouldn’t approve if one of us were gay and certainly don’t think watching porn is acceptable.

I’ve never had a boyfriend but I feel very sexual.

I’ve experimented with pleasuring myself and have even been looking at soft pornography. On one site I came across ‘deepfake’ porn, because of the name I thought it wasn’t real. 

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In my head that felt more acceptable and I assumed the images were all computer generated. I thought I wasn't hurting anyone.

Over time I’ve become hooked.

But now I've learned that while the images are computer generated they use real people's images and superimpose them on adult actor's bodies - mostly without their consent.

I was horrified after having a conversation with a work colleague about his female friend who is a victim of deepfake porn. Now I feel terrible.

I've unwittingly been part of the demand for what is a completely vile industry.

DEIDRE SAYS: Yes, but you didn’t realise what it was - unwittingly is the key word here. I’ll explain more.

Deepfake pornography is similar to revenge pornography but this involves somebody having their head or face photoshopped on to a film of other people taking part in pornography - a bit like CGI in films.

Many celebrities have fallen victim to deepfake pornography when they may not have ever been filmed naked - it just looks as if they have.

The best way to wean yourself off this type of adult content is to go completely cold turkey - cut it out from your life straight away.

As long as it's created by consenting adults, there is no reason for you to feel guilty about watching porn, even though your parents disagree with it. 

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Many men and women use it effectively for sexual release. 

Don't be too tough on yourself, you are not responsible for the creation of this abusive content.

So get out with friends, network and keep yourself busy. You may find somebody special for a meaningful relationship.

My support pack Porn Worries explains more and gives information on where to get help if you are concerned you are becoming overly reliant on adult content.

Sally Land

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