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I'm addicted to masturbating and I don’t know how to control it

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READ Dear Deidre Editor Sally Land
READ Dear Deidre Editor Sally Land's personal replies to today's problems.

DEAR DEIDRE: I’M addicted to masturbating and I don’t know how to get it under control.

At this point, I do it as many as four to five times a day and I’m starting to worry I might have a problem.

I’m an 18-year-old boy and I discovered masturbation when I was 14 and now I can’t stop.

Throughout the day I find myself constantly thinking about it and wondering when I’ll next get a chance to do it. 

Since I’ve started university and have more free time I can’t stop myself.

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Most days I avoid my course work so I can stay in bed and masturbate. 

When I spoke about it to my friend, an 18-year-old lad like me, he said that it was excessive and if I didn’t stop I would become addicted and ruin my future sex life.

I know I should cut it down, but I can’t help myself.

I’m constantly getting urges and as hard as I try I can’t get them under control.

Now I’m starting to worry that I may be a freak.

How do I stop?

DEIDRE SAYS: Please don’t worry. It’s normal to masturbate regularly and frequently at your age.

As long as you aren’t becoming over reliant on pornography, exploring self-pleasure is healthy and will help you learn about your body and what you like, which will help in future sexual relationships.

I’m sending you my support pack, Worried About Masturbation, that should reassure you.

You can find understanding and confidential support through The Mix (, 0808 808 4994).

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Sally Land

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