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Working from home has fueled my alcohol problem

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Working from home has fueled my alcohol problem
Working from home has fueled my alcohol problem

DEAR DEIDRE: There's no denying my alcohol problem has become serious.

I’m working from home and have my first drink around noon then by the afternoon I’m drunk.

I’m a woman of 26 and realise I’m on a slippery slope. I live alone and am employed building software programs.

I enjoy seeing my mates at the weekends but a couple of drinks are never enough.

I wake up with the hangover from hell and vow it won’t happen again – until the next weekend.

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I’m worried about my behaviour during the day, though. Last week I had no wine so hit the vodka before lunchtime. By the evening I’d almost finished the bottle.

I had a Zoom meeting in the afternoon but turned off my camera, and I’ve no idea what I said. Help!

DEIDRE SAYS: You’ve been brave in reaching out for help but are relying on alcohol way too much and are out of control.

You know you risk losing your job if you can’t keep a clear head.
Get urgent help from uk (0800 9177 650) which has a section for young people on its website.

Arrange nights out with your friends that don’t revolve around drinking – perhaps a bowling night or a cinema trip rather than pubs or clubs – and this may help you to avoid those hangovers.

Sally Land

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