DEAR DEIDRE: I was falsely accused of rape by my ex girlfriend and, since then, I can’t ejaculate.
I have no problem reaching orgasm when I masturbate. but during intercourse with a woman, I never get there.
I’m 32 and single, since I split with my ex, 34.
She accused me of rape after I broke up with her, as she wanted revenge.
Even though the charges were dropped because there was no evidence, it almost ruined my life and cost me several friendships.

Since then, I’ve started dating again but I’ve lost all my confidence. I used to love sex and - if anything - I had to hold myself back.
Now, I have the opposite problem. I’m seeing a lovely woman, 29, but the fact I can’t finish is ruining things.
I can go on for hours with no result. She thinks it’s because I don’t fancy her enough.
She doesn’t know about what happened with my ex, and I don’t want her to know. People always say there’s no smoke without fire.
What should I do?
DEIDRE SAYS: Being falsely accused of a serious crime like rape is devastating.
It’s not surprising that it’s had a large effect on your confidence and on your ability to enjoy sex.
Your inability to ejaculate is almost certainly a psychological problem. You’re not allowing yourself to let go.
Talking to someone would really help. Contact FASO (, 03335 779377), who help people who’ve been falsely accused.
Do open up to your girlfriend if you can and think about having counselling.