DEAR DEIDRE: After my husband of 50 years died suddenly of a heart attack, I was a mess.
Although I am no stranger to death - our only son died in an accident at 18 - I simply couldn’t cope. He was my soul mate and I didn’t see the point in carrying on.
I’m 72 and my late husband was 74.
I wrote to you thinking you might give me some hope, some way of not feeling so lonely.
You responded so quickly, which made me feel you cared.

You reassured me that my feelings were normal and sent me your Bereavement support pack, advising me to contact Sue Ryder ( for counselling.
Rather than tell me to join a social club, which you recognised I wasn’t ready for, you told me to wait until I was stronger.
You recommended I consider volunteering, which would make me feel I was doing something worthwhile, as well as making new friends.
And you kept in touch, checking in on me to see how I was coping.
Although life is still bleak, I am slowly starting to pick myself up. Thank you, Deidre.
DEIDRE SAYS: I’m so glad I was able to help support you in your darkest hour, and hope the future looks brighter.