DEAR DEIDRE: Not being able to sleep is pushing me to breaking point.
I haven’t slept at all for two nights because my mind keeps whirring.
I’m 32 and have had insomnia for months, but it’s never been as bad as this.
I’ve tried everything - milky drinks, warm baths, herbal remedies - but nothing works. I feel exhausted, yet the second I lie down, my mind starts whirring.
I think about everything from the news to books I’ve read, to things people have said, to lines in films.

I am somehow managing to drag myself into work but I can barely function.
Taking time off is impossible - my team is already too stretched, and I’m not owed any holiday.
My partner is worried about me, but he’s at a loss too.
I know if I go to the GP, they’ll just sign me off sick, and that will make work even more of a problem. I don’t want drugs as they’re addictive.
DEIDRE SAYS: Not being able to sleep is not only distressing, it’s also very bad for your mental and physical health.
I know you don’t want to see your GP, but it’s important that you do.
Doctors rarely prescribe sleeping pills for insomnia now, except in limited doses.
They may refer you to a sleep clinic, where you can get to the route of the issue and get help to overcome it.
Talk to HR about having a few days off. Work stress won’t be helping.
See my support pack about sleep problems.