DEAR DEIDRE: After being told that my chances of having children were slim, it felt like a miracle to discover I was pregnant.
So when I miscarried nine weeks later, my whole world fell apart.
Now I’m worried sick I’ll never get to have the family I’ve always dreamt of.
I’m 29, and my boyfriend is 30. We’ve been together for four years and have a wonderful relationship.
We both want nothing more than to start a family together.
We started trying two years ago, but after having no luck, the doctor told us my irregular periods were to blame.
From tongue scraping to saying no, here are 12 health trends to try in 2023I felt so down that I was the reason we were struggling to conceive.
Then, just when I had lost all hope, I found myself suffering from morning sickness.
We were over the moon. And then, two months later, I suffered a miscarriage, and our hopes came crashing down.
Ever since, I’ve been completely heartbroken. My partner has done everything he can to support me, but I’m consumed with grief for the child we would have had.
How can I move on from this?
DEIDRE SAYS: Losing a baby is very traumatic, and it’s natural that you’re feeling in so much pain.
You’re grieving for both the child you were looking forward to meeting and for your future dreams.
This is still very raw, but sharing your feelings can help you through your loss.
Talk to the Miscarriage Association (, tel: 01924 200 799).
My support pack, Had A Miscarriage?, will help you both.